Rev H Gundert, Ottacamund, care of Mrs Buhler Chiracal <16 July 54>1 Dear Papa. Today it is again raining therefore I have staied at home and let all the other people go to Cannanore; for when there is a marriage all will go as you know. I was afraid by going to encrease my cough and toothache which has now gone on for a pretty long time. just as the people were going Charles began to vomit and went on many times atfirst I felt a little affraid; but now I think it is from having eaten too much all these days The mother woh came brought him food and again the Grand'mother. I have told them it should not be done any more except a very smal bit; for the mother thought it very hard not to be permited to bring a small cake. Ester has left this morning for Tellicherry I do not think she is nice at all, father and mother had continual quarels during her stay with them, he refused to accompany her till Edacadu, or a part of the way. David in playing with Paul did hurt him with the stick. Than paul cried he is golliat and if I be David I sall take a stone and treat him as a Golliat. I will kill him. by and by he became quiet in hearing of Kain killing his brother. After 5 oc comes the Vandy with two Missis Natchetram Bachell Jacob's wife and their Ruth peter is very bad had not the Lordsupper, Hebich sends me word by Missy that the business with Ruth did not succeed. Why the two daughters of peter return again I dont know but they have come Ruth now tells me that peter has two words thats to say untrue, now he speaks so and tomorrow the contrary, what has specially vexed H. (Ruth says) is that Peter said if my son from the French rocks writes that he or his family are sick I will have leave to go see them. What plague is such a man. I shall be glad for Ruth sake if she is not to get him at all, by this time she might have got a better man! Monday morning the weather is pretty fine. I hope you have a good day. Stocking and his wife with her mother are going to Talliparambu. As the Vandy is going back I send Minatchi to Hebich who shall send her in the poor house or hospital for she is sick and requires a treatement, she has lelft her little girl here. Poor Manicam has again gone Thank God that I could prevail on her to leave her Magy. while she was arguing about her going the little one did hide herself in my room the mother in rage thought some one had taken her till I brought her where was Magy after many questions will you not come and comfor me at least when I die give me water the girl said always no and put herself near me, so the mother recomended her and went away! poor creature what a terrible rebellion is in her. Arabella was rather displeased that a remarque was made to her on sunday morning by Hebich regarding Camaran, when he was in their house it is true that H. had not touched the subject when he was here on thusday. so having been asked wether all was right in her heart regarding the man, she got sulky and would not take the Lord' supper. Nani is rather inclined to believe like Joseph that the fellow who said he had to do with Francis told it to please Hebich; for he denied it 3 times in presence of people but by and by when alone with Hebich he told it. Samuel is also against Joseph: poor people if they had had grace to know and acknowledge their sins before they would not now get in such scrape. They speak already of leaving their work Nani told them that wherever they go they shall meet with troubles Tuesday morning still raining. last week 5 or 6 people have died of the cholera in our village. the old Canien's wife our neighbour has also died, Sunday evening he came to ask medecine for a young woman in his house who had he said Atiasanam. I gave the mixture you had made before for Priskila and told them to put warm ashess. Next morning they came for more medecine for two children who were sick. I have written to Dr Fowlis to send us some medecines for the purpose. We are here all well thanks to God. Next time the boys will write to you D.V. Eddy say he will write two pages, David asks is papa coming back tomorrow? The Sandeman are with the Youngs for some days I have not seen them She intended to come, but rain and toothache has prevented her. Now dear papa we look with patience for news from you Yours afftly Julie Gundert love to dear Sister B. love to you from all here