Chiracal 31 Oct <52>* Dear papa I just return from Cannanore where I have had the joy to get your second letter, I am glad to hear our boys are becoming happy without mimi and I. And also glad that they read with Jacob. I hope Frederic will repeat his little himns dayly, this will find you at Moolki I suppose if so give my love to the dear Buhrers. To day the young man who came with Mrs Smith an east indian a Douklass * has been baptised, he had been brought up by Baptist people and after having received a pious education, he became a drunkard a vagabon. At Mangalore he already felt he had been very rong and was some what touched by the morning and evening service, praiers of Dr Foulis in which he was admited. Now Hebich took hold of him, the whole week he has been learning with him. He writes well english and had a good education parents and wife paious. Hebich related his life to the congregation which he had written himself. Yea a vagabon he was, than looking at the young man he said is it so or not. On every question he answered nicely. the preaching was also adapted for him or rather chosen for him the first chp of Esais 27 vers. His lady and Mrs Lazare had also to hear well about their having served or worshiped pieces of paper, or images, or pictures. It was a very nice sermon. Saterday Mrss Young, Smith, Dobbie spent the day here. Mrs Smith very quiet approving it appears all what one say; but she scarcly speaks a word except with Hebich with whom she was free it appears. the two other very nice indeed. the more I see Mrs Young the more I apreciate her. The daughter of Dr White came this morning from the Hills she was in chapel with fine red cheeks. This morning has we went to Cannanore the whole Village and neighbourhood was gathered to see whether the girl * was to be got at least I suppose so. the girls were a little before us a few staps*. As they could not discover her they said she has probably changed her clothes and we cannot know her, but than they looked in the Vandy where they soon perceived her, (they) all people she knew neighbours relations followed the Vandy for a little while looking very angry. poor girl she kept her hands on her face and looked at them between her fingers, she was rather afraid. When we came near the place where is her house she looked very anxiously and said there is my grandmother but all was quiet, in returning home only few people were looking for us. it is true that it was raining, the girls were quiet wet. Pour girl says she has no desire to see her relations nor to go to them still I do not trust her quite; for she often crys after them; David is again quite well. very happy. Missi took a dose of calomel last night she is nicely too and sends love to her pet Vau and Eddy. We are all as usual pretty well thanks to God. Rachell sends love she is well too On Saturday Mrs Youngs' Ayah spent the day with her. Our ____________ was asked for Jonathan, but she told me that she did not like the man she knew him well before, he was mad for some time. She has not objections against marriage, but against the man, perhaps she will change her mind. Hebich had in his mind to ask or charge the Lady's comity as if Mrs Kegle had been here the whole year. I told him that you would be very angry and that he must not do it I hope he will care for that Do you see the account before it be sent? Monday morning all well I hope in my next to enclose one for Mrs Christ at Bale Adieu love to all your J. Gundert