Rev H. Gundert, Mangalore, paid Chiracal 23d March <52>* Dear papa Many thanks for yours of the 19th received yesterday evening by the boys who came to be ready here to depart this morning with Heb. Himself came at one 0.c at night having had much to do. They left at 2 on the morning to go by boat. I read your letter to Heb who of course could no more go to Telli also he did not think he would help else he would have tried all what he could. much speaking will not make it better if help does not come from a better quarter. I send my best love to dear Pauline W. and Sister Am. I specially want pecils for slates I have not a bit more You speak of returning before the GenlCfce; why should you return though you have nothing to do in it can you not remain at Mang where it is cooler than here. Try Moolki or Honnor any place cooler than Chiracal untill the end of May. That the poor Groves cannot see is a said case She owes 7.6 ans. Jacob is to go to Anjercandy one of these days. We are thank God all well. Mrs Salbe gave to Obrion (who went there to say Salam) some yards of flanelle saying take it from the Lord. She had a great pleasure to hear Mr Moeg's preaching. Poor Mrs Wilkenson who fancy's herself neglected by Hebich; said that Moeg preaching was clearer and better than those of Heb. We have again made an agreement to cover the houses so that I have no trouble. Nani is doing well. I hope we are also soon going to begin the tiling of the cookroom but without Jacob I could not do any thing. If you have a mind to return and the Youngs offer you to return with them by steamer, do it that you may not be troubled in traveling. I shall be very glad if you can get a good pony, the one you had before from W was the only one which suited you. I have been very angry with our horse keeper for his running about with his companions in the village, hunting about. I have said that if he does not keep quite at home here I shall turn him out before your return. he is now perfectly submited and lies the whole day on Jacob's Veranda who also teaches him. I have paid a visit round the tank those people have no less then 5 houses four for themselves one for their gods. I hope you will be pleased with the work. till now I have kept rose bound hoping that perhaps we might save her; but she appears diffrent from what she was, they all say that she becomes mad. Yesterday we were obliged to send for a pion to quiet our new woman, she again spoke of killing her child, after long querrel with the women she run away with the little one. Francis who thought that indeed she would kill the child run after her as she could not prevail to bring her back she called one of the coolies who pushed the woman in side of the compound. had the woman been alone I would have been glad to see her off. but for the child sake I allowed to have her back. She spoke most cunninly before the pion and managed to put all the fault on our women, however she promised to be quiet and care better for her child. to day she has been good. Wednesday morning Jacob has gone to Anjercandy. Our boys aske when you will return in order to get chocalat. they are thank God very well. David more and more David king, often I am obliged to show him that he has not as yet received his dominion and kingdome, the whip belong still to me, he shakes his shaulders and turns his head. Now Adieu love to all Yours J. Gundert. I expect Mr. Fritz this evening who will go by boat