Revd. H. Gundert, Mangalore, paid Chiracal 4th Nov <52>* Dear papa Thanks for your third sent off from Moolki Mr Hebich brought it to me yesterday. The mats have come so I have sent my thanks to Mrs Fritz and as I suppose Mrs Irion will have some to Tellicherry I also pay her my debt. We have been very busy these days in cleaning all about I am indeed tired of it. The tailors's daughter Cambell has come with Hebich she is with us for some days, she is very nice. What shall I write dear papa I have not thaught, but to rest when possible. Why will you return so soon? Searl does well instead of Jacob, stay at least till the other weak, it is not long enough to see any benifit for our boys health neither for yours. We are all pretty well. The other day that is wednesday Hebich went on the ship you know that ship. And he preached dreadfully. in his prayer he praid for that Captain who is not yet converted. He came on tuesday to hear Hebich. I wonder what our dear boys are doing. do they wish to return to Cherical to find there heir Mam and Margrett, or perhaps they would rather at once go to Europe. Dear David whence asked where are brothers and papa says naha as quiet as possible he does not miss you any more he is very well and very merry. The Calicut Maria is again very bad. she said to Hebich that she would go to Anjercandy she now and then makes as the other used to do that is, to walk, as if she could not take up her legs from heaviness. She leans on any wall any pillar with her eyes shut up. She troubles the other women. Now enough dear papa, perhaps tomorrow brings me an other letter from you Nights are very hot here poor David is the whole night wet. Stay there till this close weather be over. We have often thunders but no rain. No letter from you. This is my last according to your order; but I hope you change your mind. Love to all yours J Gundert Jacob's letter has been read to his wife she sends love she is well * Dear papa Here is to try your patience put on please bowells of mercis and pity stupidity. This morning another snake's skin was hanging in the very same place where the other was that is to say on the creepers which run on the portail. Joseph saith it is of a very bad kind, Searl has been trying to discover the nest, but in vain. The ship which is to take Mrs Smith is in. I have asked Hebich to send us money as I have nothing besides the small money. no news from Mrs Hayes Now and than Missi has still pain though not severe, All here as usual we are white wshing the house it is good you are not here these days. David well. And my pets what are they doing David say that they have gone to noho thats to say Cannanore, when we were at C. he did not seek after them. You will have a dreadful with my letter for I find that I leave off even the most common words or letter. On sunday in seing that young man * I thought of our pour brother * would to God bring such a fine day for him love to all Yours J. Gundert