Mrs Gundert, care of Mrs Weigle, Kotagherry, pd Tell. 11 Nov 47 * My dear wife I ought to have written sooner, but had to go to Chomb and Vadagara - again on foot because my poney still lames: found it very nice at Mahe and Chomb. but at Vadag Matth's wife * will not repent, only complain of others. - Here Hannah is perhaps the worst. As she considers herself pure since baptism from outward sins, she certainly was aimed at by the stroke of God's taking away her grandchild Isabella by smallpox - Yet no repentance, Heathenish mourning and crying over the dead - As Chinnappen has also confessed, I knew that during his making love with Mana, he had stolen innumerable bottles of wine and carried them to H's house. To such particulars I had to take my refuge, and yet all speaking and beseeching and reminding was in vain - everything told of her is untrue. She will therefore not partake of the Lord's Supper until repentance. <">Everybody dislikes what he hears of our doings.<">* strange! I had believed indeed, all brethren would rejoice with us and seek the same blessings, but no; the objections to trifles are going on, and thereby the Devil is enabled to make the chief thing too poor and ridiculous, a non entity. I ought to except perhaps dear wise Mögling who after having explained the whole humanly has now ascended higher up the ladder and seems to think it angelic - at least he speaks of an undeniable movement of the tank (John V). But to me this shows only how averse even very godly persons are to ascribe to the Spirit of God what yet belongs to him only. Since the 6 Nov. the fire burns also at Calicut: I should like to know what impression Br Greiner took away from that station. The reports of the brethren written after their visits here have been all against us. To you I say it, I was inwardly grieved beyond measure, when even whilst some were weeping in my room <27.28 Oct>*, - and the door was open - these brethren * were laughing loud etc in the large room, just after rising up from that prayer which ended with the crying. I felt then to a painful degree, that it is not different views that separate, but different fundamental feelings and inclinations. Their laughing was nothing to me personally, but with what strange eyes must they have looked upon our people, when they could find no sympathy with the weeping - and how must our people have been startled, if they had found out this inward aversion. - Fritz left this quite undecided and we were so doubtful of the effect which Gr's efforts might make on Fritz that we prayed earnestly God might enable Fritz to confess to Huber etc before Gr's arrival. But praised be God, all has gone on well there. The Hubers are leaving today by Pattimar: the occurence has made great impression on him. I wish it may go deep enough. - We had this Sunday <7 Novbr>* 8 baptisms (4 small boys and Rama Martin Elieser Uriel ). I was hardly present, had to go out to meet Conolly who paid us a visit between 4-5. It is a joy to see Hassan now so open - Noah is likewise truly changed. The girls are going on peaceably (many just feverish - etc from landwind) I hope Cotagiri will agree better with you during the cold season than either Oot or Kaity. I waited for letters from home, but it seems they have not as yet been landed at Cannanore. When I send them I will put another Miss[ionar]y paper as enveloppe. The Lord give you grace to feed on all his stores, according to the riches of His grace. Be watchful over yourself, avoid loud company and all that business of showing work and patterns etc nonsense - but teach the children and pray with them. Yours HG